Open the Box
During April I unboxed and looked over a refurbished M1 Pro Macbook Pro on my YT channel. I was slightly embarrassed to discover YT valued this far more than many of the tutorials and projects I'd slaved over previously as it quickly rose to be one of my most popular. All the work and effort I'd put into coming up for ideas for projects and all I need to do to be popular a box. *Sigh*. If only I could afford to live such a life where I buy new hardware every week.
The buzz has somewhat died down since and probably happened due to jumping on a 'trending' topic. It's interesting to note how different types of videos perform and try to get better at making ones people appreciate. I find myself in the position lots of people watch what I make, but aren't so interested in subscribing.
In other news, several pieces of freelance work have come in for me leaving me with less time to publish things. This is bittersweet - whilst I get less time, it does mean I'm making money.
A also received my first ever payout from gumroad for sales of "Side Projects Making $$$+". At a whopping £10.54 I don't think I'll be giving up the client work for a while. It did afford me the Chocolate Bounty Egg no one else bought me this Easter though.
As always, we have a range of developer stories and code in amongst this issues links. Be sure to check out the huge list of bash one liners.
Until next time, keep on shipping!
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A collection of handy Bash One-Liners
A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.
PyScript allows you to run Python directly in your web browser by using <py-script> tags in your HTML. Recently announced by the Anaconda team at PyCon, it compiles to WASM using Pyoide.
Pipedream 2.0
Pipedream is my favourite 'no-code' tool for developers. They recently announced v2.0 of their platform including Python support!
A Favourite Tweet
A CSS developer's dog.
— Segun Ajibola 🥑 (@iamsegunajibola) April 19, 2022