The Problem with all Payment Providers
Hi there,
These last two weeks I’ve seen multiple articles asking how to correctly collect VAT as a Software as a Service business. For myself in the UK, none of the solutions I’ve seen so far feels right - you either lose flexibility by allowing a third party provider to sell your software on your behalf or take on a hugely complex burden of international tax collection yourself. I compared the features of a number of payment providers last month on my blog which has proven to be really popular.
In other exciting news - I've bought a new M1 Mac Mini. The machine has had a few quirks so far, which is understandable given the architecture differences. In the main, it’s mostly the same as my old mac mini, only a lot faster and a decade younger. I’m documenting and recording my experience with it as a developer, so you’ll hear about it if you follow me anywhere on the web.
Thanks again for being a subscriber - If you have any comments or suggestions for future issues, please feel free to reply to let me know.
As always, keep on shipping!
How I made $111,465.77 selling colors online
Zeo Rocha's inspiring story on how he is making a six figure income from the pro version of his dracula theme. I love that he's had such success where often building upon open source work proves a difficult nut to crack.
Build a business, not an audience
Jakob Greenfield argues that waiting until you have something to say is the path to good business. This touches on a lot of nerves for me - should I be pushing out stuff on a regular schedule?
Podcast: Quitting It All to Follow Your Passion
I really enjoyed this interview with Dave Geddes of Mastery Games. Dave makes a good income building web based games designed to teach advanced CSS.
This open source collection of icons that recently crossed my path looks like a perfect fit for a variety of projects you might be embarking on.
Why you really need to upgrade pip
An in depth look at why a lot of python deployment issues can simply be solved by updating the package manager, pip.
Introducing GKE Autopilot
Kubernetes is a meme within the dev and devops communities for being so complex to manage. Google appears to have taken note and has introduced Autopilot, a "Fully Managed" version of its Kubernetes Engine. This intro to Autopilot explains how it fits in to your deployment pipeline.
From My Blog

Comparing VAT Solutions for Bootstrapped UK Businesses
I compare the various options that exist for UK businesses who want to reduce the complexity of VAT.
My Favourite Tweet
I love this take on why you shouldn't be putting your life on hold for open source projects. My kids are the best creations I've ever made.