The Curse of a 1 of 10
I talked a little last month about how one of my goals this year is to plan better. This was mostly in relation to my YouTube output which doesn't really have a regular cadence, but I've realised this is often affected heavily by how I feel when creating rather than any plan I could put together.
Take December for example, I created a single video on Google Gemini which didn't perform particularly well and because of that I didn't put out another over a month later in January. That video did really well - a 1/10 no less, meaning it performed the best out of the 10 videos leading up to it. Who knows why?
There's a problem with this though and it's that anything less than that 1/10 now won't feel as good as the last video. This is a feeling shared by other creators too, since YouTube decided to add the ability to hide the current videos performance from view when you log in to their dashboard so they didn't feel bad when logging in. Perhaps I should just feel grateful that the YouTube algorithm has decide to bless me with traffic.
Let me know if you enjoy this issues links, if you have any comments feel free to get in touch.
Until next time, keep on shipping!
4 Web Devs Build the Same App Idea
I'm really enjoying this series on how different web devs build out an app idea from Jason Lengstorf. This episode was particularly hilarious featuring a whole load of colourful ideas with projects including vasectomies and aggressive teeth.
Reducing our AWS bill by $100,000
You think your AWS is big? Fathom Analytics break down how they were able to shave $100k/yr from theirs.
I Analyzed My Finance Data With Local LLMs
I love this idea from Thu Vu about using llms in ollama to analyse your financial transactions on your local machine.
A Video I Made
A Tweet of Mine